Monthly Archives: July 2021

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3. Rethink: Human vs The Robo-Advisor

Technology is changing. It is adapting and doing things that were once never thought possible.

So, that brings us to this question – who is going to win? The Financial Advisor or the Robo-Advisor? 

In this episode, Adam Holt & Derek Notman go into detail about how robo-advice is changing the financial industry, and how it is important as financial advisors to remain competitive. Adam and Derek speak about how technology is changing financial advising, and how it’s influencing consumers.

Adam & Derek discuss:

  • Robo-advice, and how its been integrated into the financial industry
  • The importance of human connection in financial planning
  • Why advisors need to find their differentiator
  • How you can use technology in creating your personal identity
  • And more

Connect With Adam Holt:

Connect With Derek Notman:

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2. Rethink: Financial Advice vs. Sales

Are you an advisor who sells, or a salesperson who advises?

Making that distinction is absolutely vital for you as someone working in the financial advising industry.

In this episode, Adam Holt & Derek Notman speak about professional identity and the importance of defining it for yourself and your consumers. Adam and Derek speak about their own personal experiences of defining their identity and aim to help you define yours.

Adam & Derek discuss:

  • How the financial space has been defined and how it can be rethought moving forward
  • The importance of complete transparency with your clients
  • How pay structures fit into your ability to define your professional identity
  • Technology and robo-advice within the financial advising industry
  • And more


Life Insurance Field Distribution Market Study

Connect With Adam Holt:

Connect With Derek Notman:

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1. Rethink: Change is Coming

It’s time to rethink what it means to be a financial advisor in the 21st century.  Advisors and clients want something more, join us as we examine and pick apart the status quo and question everything.

Introducing Rethink: The Financial Advisor Podcast

In this inaugural episode, meet your hosts, Adam Holt and Derek Notman! The duo share their stories, starting as advisors to becoming FinTech CEOs, and their journey to finding the need to rethink what it means & takes to thrive as a financial advisor in the 21st century.  Join Adam and Derek as they discuss challenging the status quo and have fun doing it!

Adam & Derek discuss:

  • Why they believe we need to rethink our industry
  • Their stories of becoming entrepreneurs within the FinTech space
  • The importance of mentorship within the financial industry and how this podcast could act as your ‘mini mentor’
  • What to expect from the duo with this show
  • And more

Connect With Adam Holt:

Connect With Derek Notman: